Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some measures of success

Questions from Jack:
"How does God get to heaven?"
"Does God have a heart?"

I've pointed out the geese and goslings several times recently. Jack thinks he'd like some as pets. He asked if I could stop and get a mom, a dad and 2 goslings. I said probably not since they are fast. His response; "I can catch them. I have running power in my legs. I'll catch them by the wings and head so it can't bite or spit or peck me." Despite his 'running power' and fore-thought in capturing wild Canadian Geese, we're still not getting any.

Quotes from Maggie
"I busy."
"I toot. Sunny." ("sunny" = funny or possibly it's funny)
"Wight back." (I'll be right back.)
"Go padee a padee a padee." (this stems from us saying; "Go potty on the potty."
Observing her inspecting her toes, I asked what she was doing. "Queen up a toes." (Cleaning my toes.)

Potty news:
Maggie collected her newest critter from her pack-n-play, then takes it to the potty chair. She tells the critter; "Go padee a padee." and holds the critter over the pot. Then she exclaims; "Gu-gur!" (good girl!) and "Yumee yum." (M&M).
Maggie brought the potty out, took off her diaper, and sat down. Moments later, she comes out to us saying; "I's mine" holding "something" in her hand. Ewwww.
Later, we get her to sit back down and encourage her to push. She does, then stands up triumphantly, stating; "I did it!"

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