Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jack's mash up

Tuesday was Winter Driving 101. I was on home duty that day, so I missed the experience. No problem for me.

Yesterday was Winter Driving 102. I participated so that I could go to work. As I was driving, I thought of some things I was thankful for;
  • we didn't get the van we thought was perfect because I'd have been more worried driving that around with the $13,000+ loan we'd have gotten for it.
  • even though the tires on the CRV are in desperate need of being replaced due to worn tread, I was really thankful for the All Wheel Drive that the vehicle has.
  • my driveway was already cleared
  • I wasn't THAT car stuck in the snowbank
  • a hearty laugh after reading a sign on the side of the road which stated; Watch for Turkey and Deer; and now that I think about it, I'm thankful that I didn't have need to avoid any turkey or deer

Back at home, the kids and I had an early dinner since Jeffry was working late. When he got home, I made his dinner and in the process, made the upstairs all smokey. So, I opened windows and set the fan in the door to air the house out. As one would expect, the house cooled considerably. Walking past the nursery, I asked Jack what he was doing. He replied; "Warming up my bottom" as he stood in front of the vent. Moments later, he turned around and, well, I probably don't need to say any more ....

Jack was also overheard singing; "Baa baa black sheep wonder what you are"

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